HI DARLINGS! I am so excited to post this dress, lol. I made it back in July and just had not had the time to photograph it and post. I did make a BEHIND THE SEAMS video for my IGTV and just published it to my YOUTUBE CHANNEL today. It was fun to do and if you like this let m know so I can create a few more as I sew.
The fabric is actually not a knit although that is the recommended fabric for this, it also suggest a stretch satin but I had neither in my stash. I knew I just needed something that had some stretch and since I had a crepe in my stash that had some give I figured why not? It worked great especially because it creates a bit more shape which I liked.
The pattern itself is actually fairly simple and was really fast to sew up, I think there are a few things I would do differently with the construction but I do enjoy making them as is our the instructions the first go-round and if I choose to make it again or even make a modified version I will change things I believe could be done better like using bias finish on the sleeves and back neck vs facings and maybe finding a way to line it, I think it would add a lot to the dress especially if you use my video on HOW TO ADD COMPRESSION MESH TO YOUR GARMENTS.
I cut size 36 and ended up taking in a bit at the waist, the hips were fine and sodas the bust. I actually didn’t pay attention to my pattern pieces and cut the back top and bottom as two pieces and ended up having to seam it together. The pattern is actually supposed to be taped together and then cut but like I said, I didn’t pay attention, lol.
